Being Unique

Unique Images

Assist, not distract

The designer's resource market is saturated. So it's easy to grab the latest artwork/design on the "big" sites out there. You may not find exactly what you are looking for. So you try to incorporate that into your project. When it's all said and done, you find out that you strayed away from what you really wanted. SourceSmack wants you to stand out! We don't want you to loose your creativity. We want to build on the creativity—get the juices going. It's all about assisting your design ideas with a little flavor added. That's where we are unique. Assisting you in your design process. Our resources can help you along the way. We will not have everything you need, but what we do have can make your life a bit easier—allowing you to reach the end result that much quicker.

Give options

When you buy a digital product online, sometimes you find you have to do a bit more work than you thought. All of our product come with alternative files. You want a vector but you don't have a vector program.. then you need to convert the file into something you can work with. That's where we are unique. Purchase a vector and receive extra formats that may work for your existing workflow. Same quality and large resolutions ensures fewer headaches, less conversions you might have.

Seeing the holes

We are not in competition with the "big boys". We believe there is room for all of us. Our goal is to fill in the holes that are there. You might scour the web for that elusive image, the hard to find vector, or that one in a million background that sets the mood. That's where we are unique. So when we are creating these resources, we focus on the hard to find, the missing pieces that the "other guys" may have neglected.

Striving to be better

If we thought we were the "Cat's Meow" on this stuff, we wouldn't be around long. We focus on uniqueness, a useful product, helpful and intuitive videos. Again our goal is to assist you with your design projects. Feedback is important, it helps us grow, fix what's wrong and change things for the better. Only through you can we achieve this.