Side Tabs

instructions off to the side of the screen

A little extra

As you venture through our website, you may find a side tab on the page. The tab may be off to the right, left or bottom of the screen. These tabs contain helpful hints, videos or even alert you to specials on that page.

Left Tab

Showcase Tab—if showing, this tab will let you know that a particular asset has been used in our Showcase of Design section. Click the tab and you will be taken to the showcase design page.

help on the left side of the screen

Right Tab

How-To Tab—when this tab is visible, it will let you know that a particular asset has a video attached with it. Click the tab to see a How-To video on the asset.

help on the right side of the screen

Bottom Tab

Promotion Tab—when the bottom tab appears, its purpose is to alert you of a special price or deal associated with the asset(s). Click on the tab to see the promotion.

help on the bottom side of the screen